“I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die.”

Jeremiah 10:23-24

But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves are green, and they never stop producing fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Friday, August 17, 2007

My friend Joanen!

This is a picture of me with my friend, Joanen, from the SOS Children's Village. He's been at the village for a few months now and has totally captured my heart. He always has a huge smile for me when I arrive each day at the SOS Kindergarten. I don't know a lot about his story, but do know that he was abandoned by his parents and was found wandering the streets on his own...at 5 years old!! When the kindergarten teacher had a meeting with his SOS mom she said the first time she put lotion on him he kind of freaked out because he had never experienced the sensation of lotion on his skin! I can't imagine what his life has been like before coming to SOS! He's so affectionate, hugs all the time for me and the teachers. Earlier this week his teacher had to leave the premises to buy bread since we didn't get our delivery and Joanen was so concerned about where she was going and was she coming back?! He stared after her car for a long time and I literally had to drag him back to the classroom, all the while assuring him that "Yes, Teacher Liz will be back. She's just fetching the bread for snack!" I think this only worked because he loves snack time...he can never get enough to eat, so we surmise that he did not get enough to eat in the past and doesn't trust that his future will have plenty to eat, so he's eating as much as he can now!! He's so tiny, he looks like he's maybe 4, yet the teachers say he is actually 6 years old. They also suspect by his facial features that he suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome. He also has no attention span and can't sit still for even a few minutes, which is troublesome as to how much he learns. And you try to discipline him and he just flashes his huge smile and its hard to be firm with him! Oh he's so precious my friends! Please pray for his future, that he'll get along well at the Village and that he will take advantage of the opportunities the Village offers as far as schooling that would not even be possible if he lived in a township.

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